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Knitting Stitches

By , About.com Enthusiast

Knitting.about.com was your go-to knitting site in 2012. It featured a comprehesive list of stitches, free patterns, tutorials on how to do almost anything, and articles on knitting-related topics. I have fond memories as a kid of sitting in front of the family computer with a ball of yarn and knitting needles trying out all of the different stitches. Unfortunately, about.com was shut down in 2017, with the website being split into various different sites based on topic, and knitting.about.com became part of Spruce Crafts *shudder*. While the site was mostly archived by the Wayback Machine, without search functions most of the site is unaccessible unless the article you're looking for happens to show up in the related articles section. I've taken it upon myself to compile a list of all stitch tutorials archived.








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