
About Me

Hi! I'm Morningglory17 and this is my Neocities. I made this with the intention of moderate privacy, so I'm not going to tell you too much about myself. My interests are generally in arts and crafts, music, and older technology and coding, but I tend to jump around from topic to topic collecting ever-increasingly niche facts. Above are some Picrews of what I would look like if I was cooler. If you want to refer to me for some reason my pronouns are she/her.

About This Site

I made this site as a way to show off my work and share my interests. I was inspired after finding Twelve Men through a search engine that only looks for unoptimized sites (link pending). Seeing the wide variety of content that they were able to fit into one site, I figured that this would be a great place to share my often-intense and ever-changing interests without, y'know, scaring away people who followed for something else (or embarassing myself in front of aquaintances from school). Also their site is cool. Like really really cool.

The majority of the site was designed by me including the graphics, which I made in GIMP. Originally it had some issues on mobile, but that should be mostly fixed now. I've also tried to make it as accessible as possible.

Can I use your stuff?

Anything on the free stuff page is free for you to use or edit. So is anything I clearly don't own myself (like the music on the favourite songs page and any flash games). Any photos or art (including the flower logos) are things I made myself and are not free for use. When it comes to the theme of my website, please don't copy it, but if you're curious on how I've done things feel free to look at the code.


Arts and Crafts

  • Knitting and crocheting
  • Sewing (both making clothes and stuff like cross stitch)
  • Tie Dye (but I rarely do it because it rarely turns out nice. If y'all have any tips to make the shirt not 90% white...)
  • Drawing (mostly traditional with pen and pencil crayons but some digital too. Painting is also fun)
  • Kinda want to get into animation but it takes more patience than I have
  • Photography (but only because it makes me win money at the local fair)


  • Website design (obviously)
  • Retro game consoles, but like. just the technical aspects, not the games. Mostly Sega stuff.
  • Retro computers, but just the technical aspects, not the games
  • Generally I just prefer fixing old technology and learning about how it works over using it for its intended purpose. Can't find the patience to sit down and play a game but will sit down and read a Wikipedia article on video codecs.
  • That being said, I do like Flash games (Animal Jam and Webkinz mostly), shareware discs (because I can bounce around from game to game), things that have really good music (again, Animal Jam), and anything that looks really badly made (because it's funny).


  • I can play piano somewhat well as well as guitar and flute not very well
  • Making piano covers of songs
  • Chiptune/Messing around with DefleMask
  • In terms of music I listen to, mostly pop punk/"emo". Also kinda obsessed with aforementioned chiptune/module music right now.
  • J. L. Truax. Or generally I just like to take old sheet music and digitize it/make MIDI versions.
  • Again, technical aspects. I like learning about physical media. CDs are cool and I'm starting a collection.


  • Gardening, mostly focused on growing fruit. The weirder, the better. Currently obsessed with growing kiwi.
  • Baking, but mostly coming up with weird pie recipies.
  • Cool rocks